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Wardens of Wildwood (Official Soundtrack)

$ 11.50

Album Description

This is the Wardens of Wildwood OST, especially composed in collaboration with Paizo (TM).

As the fledgling nation of Taldor grew over millennia, it picked away at the surrounding wilderness, felling valuable trees while riling the beasts, fey, and other inhabitants into generations of cyclical violence. Only millennia later did Taldor and the forest’s eminent druids of the Wildwood Lodge negotiate lasting peace with the Treaty of the Wildwood. Even so, the forest remains a realm besieged by civilization. As forest-dwellers gather for the annual Greenwood Gala, the election of Lodge leadership, and the renewal of the treaty, there’s an opportunity to resolve old grudges—and as much potential to spark war.

This album-length original musical soundtrack, composed by Filip Melvan of Michael Ghelfi Studios, contains a diverse collection of atmospheric tracks to underscore your players’ adventures as they traverse the Wardens of Wildwood Adventure Path. This collection of 20 unique tracks, each one carefully crafted with input from the adventure developers, includes heroic anthems, subtle atmospheric melodies, and unique dramatic themes designed expressly to embody the memorable characters and epic moments you’ll experience in Wardens of Wildwood OST.

You can find the Foundry version here.

Track Properties

  • 20 tracks (total duration of 58 minutes, not taking into account bonus looped verions)
  • .ogg/mp3 formats. If you need other formats, please get the album from Bandcamp.
  • Same conditions of use than for any other of our products.

You can listen to these tracks on the Bandcamp page, as there's no embedded player on that website (but that's the same pieces).